Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Post numero dos

Look whose back..
Some people call me the man the myth the legend others have been calling me the MAYOR and you know what i like that name so if you want to refer to me as anything or know what to call me you can follow in other famous peoples footsteps and call me the Mayor, or Mr. Mayor what ever works for you will work for me
It looks like we have approached a new month, maybe a new era.
Lets hope that this is a good month for everyone, unless you are an arch nemesis to any of my family members or friends or if i just don't like you then i am sorry but i am not going to hope you are having a good month because you don't deserve it. I guess some of my posts will go hand in hand with Miss. Giggler because we all enjoy her company and she has interesting topics that many people need to cover.

Now on to my blog we are going to remember that you will only find out a little more then 60% of my life so lets see what shall we talk about first my biggest pet peeve which has to be other peoples pet peeves too
when someone texts you ANSWER them back and i don't mean ANSWER them in an hour or later that night ANSWER them right away i mean we all know how quick people get texts and when we see people posting stuff online via their cellphone we obviously know that these people have their cellphones and their phones have battery-life. IDIOTS. i mean it is just something that has alway bothered me because i know people are getting my texts and i would like replies isn't that the reason why we all have cellphones to stay in touch with each other/people and because of the fast turnover rate. i mean i guess the negative part about this is i am like these people because i also play the lets not text them back because i am busy or don't feel like it so i will text them later. but thats different i am allowed to have immunity on this situation its everyone else who is not allowed to get these privileges i mean i am the MAYOR i guess you could say the name is going to my head but thats life

Now on to our next topic when your as young as me, which is 23 years old for more then 40 days then you must wonder why people want to settle down. I am too young and i am not ready to be held down and spend every minute with one person. i mean i care for the person but i like to live life spend time with my family, and friends. but one thing everyone needs to know is dont put pressure on anybody about being in a relationship.

i know there was a lot going on in this post and it didn't flow right but i am working on it this is only post 2 people you gotta give me sometime to get use to what to write and how to write it not all of us are as gifted as Miss. Giggler and able to write awesome posts right away

So remember until next time Neva Give Up and i will be seeing you for post 3 shortly

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